- Implementation of learning process
- The learning process carried out two semesters they are odd semester and even semester known as one year of learning
- One semester consists of six months and 17 effective weeks
- There is 2-week period used for the assessment process
- Every learner must follow the entire learning process within two semesters
- The presence of learners
- Students must attend for two semesters
- The presence of learners at least 80% following the learning process
- Each learner must follow the learning process both in the classroom and outside the classroom in accordance with the standard content of each subject taken
- The absence of learners
- Sickness, absence due to illness must be proven by doctor’s permission
- Permits, learners whose permission does not enter the learning process must have permission letter from parents/ guardians of the students
- Permission does not follow the learning process either sick or any family interest should not be through WA or others
- Assigned to join activities outside the madrasah or follow the event competition/ match/ Olympics
- Deliberately leaving the madrasah for laziness or problem skipping
- Assessment process
- Assessment is conducted by the educator during the learning process through authentic assessment
- The result of assessment become the basis by the educator to follow-up and improvement in learning
- Assessment is also done by colleagues, self-assessment and parents’ assessment
- Assessment is also done through daily and weekly papers
- Assessment is also based on the result of task or project
- Each learner must follow the entire assessment process
- Assessment provision
- Assessment is done during the learning process through authentic assessment includes all basic competence/ indicators that have been taken by learners
- Assessment includes the knowledge assessment, skills and attitude assessment
- Distribution by educational unit carried out a holistic assessment of 1, 2 and PAS, CIPT
- Assessment conducted by the government through the final exam and CT
- 60% moral assessment is determined by the attitude and behavior of learners that emphasize the process of self-assessment, peer assessment and teacher assessment
- The result of the assessment used as the basis of class increase
- Daily assessment is done by educators as feedback to follow-up
- Holistic assessment is conducted by an educational unit. The educational unit formed a team of script and editor editors
- The composition of each holistic assessment consist of basic competence and indicators that has been followed and taught with
- The task is made in the form of a description by applying C4 for MI and C6 for MTs and MA
- Final semester assessment and CIPPT conducted by educational unit by measuring the goal level of all basic competence which has been completed in one semester. For CIPPT refers to the Cambridge curriculum
- Final exam and CT are conducted by the institution in charge of Madrasah
- Number of questions of AH1 is 10 items, Ah 2 is 20 items and final test of semester/ final test of the year is 25 items
- Questions is an integration of 3 curriculums
- First semester AH1 is on 4-8 September 2017, AH2 is on 23-27 September 2017, and final semester test is on 4-8 December
- Second semester AH1 is on 5-9 February 2018, AH2 is on 19-23 March 2018, and final year test is on 21-25 May 2018.
- Assessment report
- Moral score is got from 60% of attitude and behavior, and 40% from the result of the test
- Daily test score is obtained from 60% daily test and 40% paper or assignment
- Final semester score is obtained from 60% final test and 40% from the mark of AH and paper
- Final year scoreis obtained 25% from daily test and paper, 50% from AH, and 25% final year test
- Remedial
- Students who do not complete in every basic competence must be done remedy
- Educators report to curriculum how many students have not been completed in every daily test
- Curriculum will divide the unfinished learners in one group
- Curriculum determines the educators who will provide remedial teaching service
- Remedial teaching services in conjunction with exact activities
- If the result of remedy still does not meet the completeness criteria then those learners will be entered in exact class permanently
- Acceleration
- Learners who have above average skills are given additional knowledge on the acceleration class or superior
- Acceleration class/ superior class is implemented after school hour
- Superior class is the embryo of the acceleration class
- Acceleration class/ superior class is selected from the top five class rank
- Acceleration class/ superior class includes general and religious learning
- Acceleration class/ superior class is the ambassador of madrasah facing competition, Olympics and KSM
- Grade promotion and graduation
- Learners can be declared ascending the class if they have completed the whole process of learning for two semesters with the level of attendance above 80%
- Learners can be declared ascending the class if they have good morals, score of aqidah, civic and Indonesian language is good
- Learners can be declared ascending the class when in realm of MMC
- If there are three subjects under MMC then the students are declared failing a grade
- The graduation of learners refers to SOP UN from the education officers
- Rights and obligations of learners
- Learners have rights to get quality learning services
- Learners have rights to get good administrative services
- Learners have rights to use facilities of Madrasah
- Learners have rights to get counseling guidance
- Learners have rights to get additional instructional services required
- Learners are obliged to obey all madrasah regulations
- Learners are obliged to maintain madrasah facilities
- Learners are obliged to maintain the good name of alma mater
- Learners are obliged to bring the good name of madrasah through real work
- Learners are obliged to maintain the conduciveness of class and madrasah environment
- Learners are obliged to prepare the necessary learning institutions
- Learners are obliged to bring the necessary tools and learning materials themselves
- Learners are obliged to maintain the purity of the body, clothes and place of prayer